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SRC Update September 2021

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SRC Update September 2021
by Spalding Education - Tuesday, September 14, 2021, 2:13 PM

Greetings Spalding Resource Center (SRC) member,

Many additions and updates have occurred including the following:

  1. Digital versions of all Spalding posters

  2. NEW! Poster of the Syllable Division Patterns Chart

  3. NEW! Syllabication Pacing Guides (link in RFSTG Teacher's Guide section)

  4. Oral Reading Fluency Student Training PowerPoint Presentations

  5. Digital versions of Practicing and Assessing Comprehension Manuals

  6. Text Structure and Mental Actions Sample Dialogues

  7. Spalding lined paper

Most of the additions can be found in Downloadables> All Grades

Thank you,

Spalding Education